Conference Policies

Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.


Areas of interest

International Conference on Climate Change the areas of interest are:

  1. Impact of depletion or enhance of the capability of resources of air, water, soil, and vegetation
  2. Ecosystem and habitat destruction research
  3. Strategy for environmental disaster reduction research
  4. Thermal expansion research
  5. Climate model and uneven precipitation distribution
  6. Pollution and contamination of land surface and atmosphere
  7. Carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emission, recycle and reuse energy research
  8. Involuntary migration and forced displacement
  9. Direct and indirect risks to wellbeing
  10. The implication of climate adaptation and mitigation research
  11. Infrastructures risks and planning on climate adaptation
  12. Policy and legal aspect of climate change
  13. The economic and social elements of climate change
  14. Marine ecosystem affected by climate change

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.